
  • Kitty (born 1992) is a contemporary British multidisciplinary artist with a BA in Fine Art who works in a variety...

    Kitty (born 1992) is a contemporary British multidisciplinary artist with a BA in Fine Art who works in a variety of mediums including drawing, photography and painting. 


    Kitty’s art offers a timeless universe of originality exploring what it means to be human and how the essence of each of us, the Self, is affected by life’s experiences. Driven by a desire for peace, climate change mitigation, and a greater understanding of higher consciousness she is inspired by patterns in the natural world, psychology, semiotics, theology, and metaphysics.


    Mankind has long sought answers to universal and intensely personal questions: what is the meaning of life, what is my place in the world, how do I achieve nirvana? Kitty’s art transports viewers beyond the boundaries of normal life through a continual and evolving exploration of these issues, while seeking to fulfil her potential as a human being and as an artist. 


    Many of the fundamental forces that drive the natural world and shape us as humans have mathematical underpinnings. Mathematics and geometry are universal languages which have been used for millennia. Space and time demonstrate proportion and context, and physical and mental boundaries constrain but also liberate us as we react to different images and perspectives. Through the different mediums, shapes and visions represented by Kitty’s art collections, viewers are invited to reflect upon these elements of Man’s and our own individual existence. What lessons can we draw from nature, form, colour? What influences are we responsible for? Are we a force for good or evil? What do we see and experience that can enlighten and enhance our place and persona? 


    Nature, art and society are inextricable. The variations in design we see all around us impact our daily experiences. We engage with the world on many different levels – consciously, subconsciously, with instinct or by reaction, with emotion and in cold calculation. Kitty seeks to draw one into her art pieces, admiring the intricacy of pattern, shape and depth but also losing oneself in the contemplation of more meaningful and subconscious messages.